Tuesday 1 December 2015

Natural Remedy to save your Baby from painful Diaper rashes

Wet and tight diapers can lead to the bothersome diaper rashes. A baby’s skin is soft and sensitive and needs to stay away from chemicals and harsh skin care products. Most mothers resort to home remedies and natural ingredients to prevent and reduce diaper rashes. Sesame oil is one such ingredient. Read about the causes of diaper rashes.

How sesame oil helps?
According to a study[1] conducted in China on 80 babies suffering from diaper rashes, applying sesame oil proved to be more effective than a diaper cream of a popular brand. Sesame oil has also been traditionally used in India to prevent diaper rashes. Being a natural emollient, the oil soothes and moisturises the baby’s skin and provides relief from the itching or burning caused by rashes. It also acts as a barrier and prevents diaper rashes. Sesame oil is also a key ingredient in many herbal formulations to treat rashes, skin allergies, dry skin itching and other skin issues [2]. The demulcent and antibacterial properties of sesame oil reduce inflammations and relieve pain [3]. Here are 9 reasons you must include sesame oil in your beauty regimen.
Gently massage a little sesame oil on the rash prone areas every day to prevent rashes. You can apply it on existing rashes for quicker healing. You can also try these tips to banish diaper rashes.

Image Source: Shutterstock
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Wei-ping, C. H. E. N. (2012). Application of Sesame Oil to Baby Diaper Rash and Evaluation on its Curative Effect [J]. Health Medicine Research and Practice, 4, 029.
Rosen, R. (2007). U.S. Patent No. 7,235,265. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Anilakumar, K. R., Pal, A., Khanum, F., & Bawa, A. S. (2010). Nutritional, medicinal and industrial uses of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seeds-an overview. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS), 75(4), 159-168.