Tuesday 8 December 2015

Look 5 years younger with this aroma fruit pack

Bid goodbye to early signs of ageing with this natural face pack.

Signs of ageing are first noticed on the skin. As we age, the skin starts becoming thinner and loses its natural elasticity. Add to it lack of moisture and fine lines will soon appear, making you look older. Stress, smoking, drinking alcohol and junk food, lack of exercise and not drinking enough water can cause wrinkles. What your skin needs is some pampering and natural ingredients often come to rescue. Are you following these anti-ageing tips for your skin?

Here’s a recipe for an anti-ageing mask by Dr Nirmala Shetty, founder of Nirmal Herbal, from her book Beauty at your finger tips.

The Aroma Fruit Pack

Things you need
  • 4 tsp avocado paste
  • 4 tsp papaya paste
  • 1 tsp almond oil
  • 1 dash ylang ylang essential oil
  • In a glass bowl, mix the papaya and avocado paste. Add the oils to it and stir again till all ingredients are mixed well.
  • Apply the pack on your face and neck and massage gently. Let it stay for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash with cold water and pat dry. Moisturise your face after this routine.
  • Using this pack daily will ensure you enjoy young and glowing skin suggests Dr Nirmala.
How the face pack helps?
Being a rich source of Vitamin E, avocados keep the skin healthy and maintain the complexion. It protects the skin from sun damage and reduces signs of ageing. Papaya is effective in reducing acne, tan and Vitamin A present in it provides nourishment to the skin. This helps ward off wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of ageing. Ylang ylang oil improves skin elasticity by shrinking large pores and helping in the regeneration of skin cells [1]. Almond oil is a natural moisturiser and prevents dryness. All these combined work as a perfect recipe to keep the skin youthful and glowing. You can also incorporate these foods to prevent early ageing of skin.